

Prof. Wenfeng Wang

International Academy of Visual Art and Engineering, London, UK

Professor Dr. Wenfeng Wang is currently the editor in chief of International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJEEE) and International journal of Applied Nonlinear Science (IJANS). He is also a professor in Shanghai Institute of Technology. He is the director of International Academy of Visual Art and Engineering in London and the JWE Technological Research Center in Shanghai. He is also a tenured professor in IMT Institute in India and the director of Sino-Indian Joint research center of artificial intelligence and robotics. He was selected in 2018 as a key tallent in Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a reviewer of many SCI journals, including some top ones - Water Research, Science China-Information Sciences, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Pollution, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering and etc. He served as a keynote speaker of AMICR2019, IACICE2020, OAES2020, 3DIT-MSP&DL2020, NAMSP2021, ICCAES 2021, CSAMCS 2021 and etc.


Prof. Dr. Ying-Ren Chien

National Ilan University, China
Prof. Ying-Ren Chien received his Ph.D. degree in Communication Engineering from National Taiwan University (2009). He was a communication engineering in Chunghwa Telecom (2000-2009), which is the largest integrated telecommunication service provider in Taiwan. From 2009 to 2010, he joined the with the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, as a postdoctoral fellow. Then, Dr. Chien serves as an Assistant Research Fellow in National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology since 2010 to 2012. Since 2012, Dr. Chien joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Ilan University, Yilan City, Taiwan. Since 2018, he we promoted as a Full Professor and served the Chair. His research interests are consumer electronics, multimedia denoising algorithms, adaptive signal processing theory, active noise control, machine learning, Internet of things, and interference cancelation. 
Since 2022, he has servered as the vice chair of IEEE CESoc Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Metaverse (VAM). He received Best Paper Awards including ICCCAS 2007, Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCKLING2017), and IEEE ISPAS 2021. Dr. Chien was presented with IEEE CESoc/CTSoc Service Awards (2019), NSC/MOST Special Outstanding Talent Award (2021), excellent research-teacher award (2018 and 2022), and excellent teaching award (2021). Prof. Chien was listed the world’s top 2% of top scientists through Scopus’s paper influence data (2020, 2021 Science Impact Rankings). He is an IEEE Senior Member and IEICE Senior Member. He has published +70 journal/conference papers.